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Birds of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest

An important aspect of nature photography is certainly bird watching.
Below I list some of the birds that I had the privilege of photographing during my expeditions in southern Brazil. 
Most of these birds are native to the Brazilian Atlantic Forest and were photographed in the state of Santa Catarina.
Photo of a hummingbird (Colibri) in mid-flight approaching the flower of a Callistemon rigidus tree to collect nectar. It was not an easy photograph to take, due to the succession of shots in burst mode and the high shutter speed. The high speed compensation with a larger shutter opening and a very high ISO ended up leaving the image a little pixelated, even after processing the image in Photoshop and Lightroom. Despite the pixelation, I still believe it was a great photograph, as capturing these moments and finding compositions like this are relatively difficult to find.
Shhh... let the hummingbird sleep peacefully.
A majestic white heron hunting crustaceans in the middle of a cliff on the Brazilian coast.
A charismatic Black-goggled Tanager female on a branch of a lemon tree.
Two Yellow-legged Thrush (Turdus flavipes) chicks sunbathing on an Araucaria branch during a cold winter morning.
A young Blue Dacnis (Dacnis cayana) posing for a photo.
A young Araquã (Ortalis motmot) sheltering in a Callistemon rigidus tree during the rain (and suspicious of the person watching him with a camera).
A small male canary (Sicalis flaveola) perched on a tree branch.
A Golden-chevroned Tanager (Thraupis ornata) resting on a tree branch.
A Ruby-crowned Tanager worried about the strange guy watching him with a camera.
Just below, two Yellow-fronted Woodpeckers. On the left, the male woodpecker lost in his thoughts and on the right the female woodpecker, apparently angry.
Duas imagens de um Rufous Hornero.
Below, two images of a Red-breasted Toucan and a video of its singing. In the image on the left, the bird is under a bunch of Jussara-Palm berries, a tree whose cutting is prohibited by law, under penalty of crime.
Birds of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest


Birds of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest
